Rabu, 11 September 2013


Once upon a time, their live a prince wish wife fith with desire. Then the prince to roam.
Grandmother ask to prince in the side of a lake : ”why you in here?”
“ I want search the princess to my accompany” answer the prince.
Then the prince given pomegranateby grandmother.
When the prince to open pome, out a princess is very beautiful. But, princess wear not cloth. Then prince invite princess climbed the tree.
“you still in here. I will come back with horse and gown” said prince
Princess just nod
When waiting prince. Coming slave women. She know that the princess pomegranate will be wife prince. Then, she killed princess, but, princess not die she become dove. And slave women sit in princess place.Prince come with gown and horse. He approached princess. Prince startled because princess pomegranate change become ugly.
“why you become ugly?’ question prince
“because waiting you very long, and deceived sun!” answer slave women
“Oh,ok” said prince
Slave women invite to palace. And they was married.
Dove followed prince and lived in tree near palace. Dove always fly rotated round in prince. Slave women know if dove is princess pomegranate. One day, slave women killed dove again. Dove died and become tree pomegranate. When treepome grow big and bear fruit. Prince open, then out princess pomegranate.
Prince happy and said : “you are come back?? “
“ yes, I’m your princess pomegranate!” said  princess pomegranate. Princess to tell a story event slave women kill his. Prince angry and commanded soldier for killed slave. But, princess forbidden.
Finally, slave women chase for palace. Then prine and princess live happy.

Moral message:
1.      We shouldn’t like envious
2.      We must say honest
3.      We shouldn’t to takerevenge
4.      Patient will be proceeds

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